Sunday 18 January 2015

Practical Arduino Engineering

Book Description

Arduino boards have impressed both hackers and professional engineers. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, it isn't just a breadboard and a hazy idea that keeps you going. It's essential to institute a proper design, device instrumentation and, indeed, test your project thoroughly before committing to a particular prototype. Each and every chapter exemplifies this process and demonstrates how you can profit from the implementation solid engineering principles - regardless of whether you just play in your basement or you want to publicize and sell your devices.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Watchdog Arduino Reset Library

This library allows you to restart an Arduino from software using the Watchdog Timer (as described in the avr-gcc manual FAQ). 

Monday 5 January 2015

Saturday 3 January 2015

Arduino 555 Timer Circuit

A very easy and fast circuit to make a pulse clock for your automation constructions using the 555 timer.

Water Spay with Arduino and LCD

A very nice application from my good friend Gregory for Automatic Water Spray System.

As you can see through the screen and keyboard, one can increase or decrease the time of spraying, the time drain and of course check the contact information for the maintenance.

Friday 2 January 2015

Home Automation Boiler Project

The purpose of this project is to manage the following automation scenarios in my house:

  1. Remote check the outdoor temperature.
  2. Remote check the indoor temperature & humidity.
  3. Remote control gas boiler (on / off).
  4. Automatic control/switch between solar and gas boiler for home hot water.
  5. Android & HTML application for all the above.